Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Caffeine Headaches Stink!

So I'm on day six /30 of my No Soda Challenge, and I think it's starting to affect me a bit more. Last night about 1 in the morning I woke up with the worst headache I've had in a while. I thought I was going to darn near explode for a minute there. I wasn't doing anything except lying in bed sound asleep and BOOM it hit me like a ton of bricks to the head.

My entire head was aching. I could feel this pull in the back of my head, all the way around to the front. Even my nose was aching. You would have thought it was me who broke my nose, not my Mom. Sorry, Mom! I love you.  It was a most terrible feeling, one I really thought wouldn't end. I even thought to myself, maybe I should get up and take a sip of my cold coffee, just to alleviate it.

I was good though. I haven't been drinking much coffee either just to try and eliminate the urge for a soda. I know it's going to sound weird, but I get energy from soda. Not lethargic. I blame the sugar and the caffeine. Anyway, so I tried to think of something else to do, but nothing sounded good. I didn't want to get out of bed to find an aspirin either, so I put on some cartoon Netflix, and pushed myself back to sleep.

Luckily, this morning I felt better. I tried to drink a half cup of coffee, but my coffee tasted so bitter. Maybe my taste buds are changing, who knows. I am going to try one of my cappuccino cocoa mix type beverages later instead. See if that gives me the feel of coffee without all the caffeine. Don't get me wrong, I like coffee but only every once in a while. I'm not an every day drinker.

I think I'm going to be good as soon as I hit a week and a half. The urge will go away more, and I'll be doing better. I know I'll make it through it! I can do it! Weigh-in comes tomorrow as well. So I'm not so sure I'm prepared for that. I feel like maybe I've gained a pound or two.

Have you GIVEN UP or CUT BACK on anything this year?


  1. I go through this when I don't have my morning coffee. By noon my head is throbbing without it.

    1. Yeah, that's how it felt. I honestly felt like death for a minute, but I powered through it!

  2. I've cut out soda before. It is NOT fun. I need to do it again, but I dread the caffeine headaches.

    1. It's really not, but I know it's one thing that has really been helping me keep on the pounds. The last time I cut out soda, I lost about 10lbs.

  3. I've been trying to steer clear of refined sugars. Emphasis on trying. =/

  4. I always try to give up soda for Lent - do at least a 40 day soda detox. I always get the headaches too.

    1. Yes, but don't you feel fantastic after the detox?

  5. I remember the caffeine headaches I got when I gave up soda when pregnant. I actually now drink caffeine to keep them away. I know that is bad but I can't handle the pain when I have pain so many other places already.

  6. I don't get caffeine headaches, but I know it's a real thing! I stick with water :)

  7. I used to get terrible caffeine headaches. I've stopped drinking caffeine after one pm!

  8. Good luck! I rarely drink soda but it was hard when I quit!

  9. I am planning to cut back on sugar. Sugar is my downfall.

    1. Sugar is one of mine as well, that's why I'm going for the no soda challenge and trying my hardest not to give in to desserts when I'm tempted. Good luck! You can do it. :D

  10. I gave up drinking diet soda. I was drinking 6-8 cans a day. I feel a lot better now that i am drinking water. I had a few headaches in the beginning when i quit.

    1. Luckily I wasn't drinking that many at a time, but I could if I had them. Over all, I think it's great to drink more water than anything anyway!

  11. You can do it, just take it one day at a time. I can't remember the last soda I drank although I do have one cup of coffee every morning.

    1. Yes luckily, I don't plan on cutting out coffee and as I mentioned in a previous post, I will occasionally have an energy drink, but I'm going to try at least for one month to give up soda. I figure if I can make that, maybe I'll do another month...etc I might cave every now and again but that's alright.

  12. This year I decided that I need to drink more water and less caffeine. I still drink a cup of coffee in the morning to keep the headaches away but taking extra B12 vitamins helps keep the headaches at bay.

    1. Yes, I'm looking into taking vitamins too, because since I don't eat a lot of meat, I need some extra iron. I've heard B12 is a very good one too for many things.

  13. Nooo that is not good at all if you were getting headaches,I stopped drinking coffee a while back and now stick to hot chocolate if I want a hot drink.

  14. I did this January of 2013. I lasted a month but couldn't anymore my headaches were so severe you'd think by then it would have passed. I lost a ton of weight but had to go to diet instead of zero cola at all it was awful.

  15. I don't really drink a lot of soda. The carbonation bothers me too much. I buy a small bottle of diet every now and then and the darn thing lasts me a few days.

  16. I may still have a soda now and then but cut them way back three or four years ago. I drink cofee and lots of water.

  17. Nope. I haven't given anything up. I've heard about those caffeine headaches. No bueno!

  18. I was a crazy Coke drinker for most of my life, and for the last, oh, six years, I only drink it in a cocktail or on a rare fast food occasion. This year, I'm trying to cut back on spending - we bought (and furnished) our house last year, so we need some savings this year! :)

  19. A few months back I gave up Diet Coke and it was hard! I am still sleepy :( I miss the kick it gave me but I know it's better to not drink it!

  20. Caffeine headaches do STINK! I'm a totally Diet Coke addict and had to quit at certain times in my life. I haven't cut back on anything, but I have tried to INCREASE my trips to the gym and nightly sleep.
